Using sphinx-thebe# Get started#

There are two steps to using sphinx-thebe. First, you must mark certain parts of your page as “ready for thebe”. Next, you must insert a button onto the page to tell Thebe to initialize.

Using reStructuredText vs. MyST Markdown

The examples on this page use MyST Markdown syntax, a form of markdown that works with Sphinx directives. You can also use reStructuredText if you wish. For information about reStructuredText vs. MyST Markdown, see the MyST Parser documentation as well as for some tips. Mark elements for thebe#

By default, thebe will be run on any elements in your documentation that contain the class thebe and that have a <pre> element underneath them.

You can add code blocks like so:

:class: thebe

By default, sphinx-thebe will look for any HTML <pre> element inside the code block. Thebe will run on that element. Add an activate button to your page#

Next, insert an “activate” button in your documentation with the following directive:


The button looks like this:

Clicking this button will activate Thebe on the page. If you’d like to manually add your own button (e.g. with your own extension or theme), see .


By default, sphinx-thebe will serve the Binder environment for the jupyter-stacks-datascience repository. See for information on choosing your own environment. What can I do with sphinx-thebe?#

sphinx-thebe uses Jupyter kernels to execute your page’s code and return the results, and Binder in order to run the infrastructure for execution. This means that you can do nearly anything with sphinx-thebe that you could do from within a Jupyter Notebook cell.

You can customize your environment

You can customize the environment that powers your interactive code sessions using a Binder repository. This may allow for different kinds of functionality depending on the libraries that are installed. See for more information.

For example: Code outputs#

import numpy as np
data = np.random.randn(2, 100)
print(data[1, :10]) DataFrames#

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(data.T, columns=["a", "b"])
df.head(5) PNG outputs#

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.scatter(*data, c=data[0], s=200) Interactive outputs#

Interactive outputs work with sphinx-thebe if their web dependencies are loaded.

Many interactive libraries assume that some javascript packages are pre-loaded in a notebook environment. For example, both Jupyter Lab and Notebook come bundled with require.js. To use visualization libraries that depend on this, you must load these libraries on your own in Sphinx. To do so, you can add the following to your conf.py:

def setup(app):

Note that some visualization libraries output bundles of JavaScript/HTML that will work out-of-the-box. You should consult the documentation of the library you wish to use in order to figure out how to configure it properly. See the thebe examples for examples of some popular visualization libraries.